Thursday, March 20, 2014

You have GOT to be kidding me... No Garlic OR Onion? {Low FODMAP Living}

It has dawned on me that people that stumble upon my blog because they are searching for Low FODMAP will know exactly what this food plan entails (or at least be aware that this food plan exists) and are just looking for ideas and recipes. BUT, for those I direct here and nicely ask to check it out and tell me how incredibly awesome it is (AHEM... Hubby & Girls - I am referring to you), may not know the incredible amount of food restrictions that have recently been bestowed upon me and seized from my pantry and refrigerator... Like NO MORE GARLIC OR ONION!

I planned to have my next blog post to be an incredible tasty new recipe with terrific photos; but you will need to visit my blog again (pretty please?) so that I can briefly take this post to explain the ins and outs of the Low FODMAP food plan. And, to clarify, I am NOT an expert on this subject or a nutritionist or dietician.  I am Simply Cindy Anne trying to maneuver my way through a complicated eating plan that up until February, 2014 was not even in my vocabulary!

Low FODMAP. What does it mean? Each letter is an acronym for a group of foods I need to avoid...

F              =Fermentable (Gas Producing)
O             =Oligosaccharides – (Fructans & Galacto-oligosaccharides) – (kinds of sugars) in foods such as cereals, bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta
D             =Disacharides (Lactose) for example, dairy foods

M            =Monosaccharides (Fructose) in fruit juice, honey, peas, jams, snack bars
A             =And

P              =Polyols – (Sorbitol & Manitol) – (sugar alcohols) found in fruits with stones and some vegetables, such as onions and leeks. Also found in artificial sweeteners and sugar-free gum

WHEW! Easy, right?  I did a whole bunch of searching the internet and Pinterest (LOVE Pinterest) to gain some knowledge of my new life. This checklist created by a registered and licensed dietician, Kate Scarlata, is one of the best I have found.

I hope this post has helped you understand some about Low FODMAP living.  If you are living the life, as I am, or even if you aren't... Stop back often.  I have lots of recipes on my "to try" list along with many old favorites that I am going to attempt to revamp so they are Low FODMAP friendly!  Cheers to eating healthy, tasty foods and having a tummy that loves your choices!


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