Thursday, March 13, 2014

Life As I Knew It...

January 20, 2014... A Monday.  And, a day I won't soon forget.  Because Monday, January 20, 2014 was the day that my stomach decided to go beserk!  It was on this day that life as I knew it changed ~ Probably Forever!

It was on this day that out of nowhere I started visiting the bathroom... OFTEN.  As in 10-12 times per day often.  Twenty-six days, two doctors, a couple prescriptions and dozens of tests later (and down 13 pounds which, I guess, is somewhat of a positive) it was determined that since it is nothing else, it must be Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  Okay? What now? 

I was told to start following a Low FODMAP diet plan and handed some paperwork to give me a glimpse of what I can and cannot eat.  Do it for six weeks the doctor suggested and then slowly add one "not allowed" food at a time to help determine what my "trigger" foods are.

AAAAUUUUUGH!  You have got to be kidding me!  Why can't this just be a parasite or something easy?  Give me some antibiotics and once again I'm good to go!  I love to cook and I love to try new recipes (which like the weight loss, I guess is a positive); but, I can't have any of the ingredients that I typically "go to" when cooking, baking and creating new recipes.

Some days I am in denial and think they are wrong.  I just need to let my stomach settle for a few weeks and I will be able to go back to eating as I always have.  Other days I think this just may have been a blessing in disguise as I was struggling with weight loss, eating but not really feeding my body and deep down I knew a healthier food plan (even if forced and out of necessity) was in my best interest.
But, anyhow I want to look at this, the bottom line is I really do feel better when I follow the Low FODMAP eating plan.  I always refer to life as a book.  Turn the page... I guess I am starting another chapter!  The title of this chapter is "Low FODMAP Living."  Welcome to my journey...


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