Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Girl Scout Cookies... A Love/Hate Relationship

Cookies have ALWAYS been a weakness for me. Kind of like the late Lays Potato Chip commercials "I bet you can't eat just one." It is physically, mentally and emotionally impossible for me to eat just one cookie! Never gonna happen!

And then you have Girl Scout Cookies.  You HAVE to buy them, right?  After all how do you say no to a co-workers darling granddaughter?  Not. Me. Can anyone honestly say they haven't sat down with an "individually" packaged ROW of thin mints?  Washed down with a big 'ole glass of milk?  Pure. Heaven.  Or, open that individually packaged row with the intent of only eating 3 or 4, only to get up and head to the pantry for two more and then two more until that row was gone? Raise of hands... Count me in!

I bought Girl Scout cookies this year BEFORE I realized I could no longer eat them. Or rather, let me rephrase, no longer eat them without bathroom trip consequences! When they arrived, I snuck them into the house and put them into the refrigerator waaaaaaay downstairs in our basement.  Easy Peasy, right? But, unlike that cucumber that will take me at least three days to peel and cut, it was only a 5 second walk to the basement and those cookies kept calling my name!  And, after about two weeks, I finally caved!  During that one brief moment of weakness I consumed FIVE Caramel Delites.  My best choice, right?  After all I can safely eat coconut!  And then two weeks later it was SIX Peanut Butter Patties... again a good choice because peanut butter is on the Low FODMAP food plan!

Thankfully (I guess) my husband polished off both of those boxes for me while I was at work. Gee... Thanks, Phil!  But, there are still boxes down there.  Be. Strong. Cindy.  Peel and cut the dang cucumber!

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